Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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FSG Committee Meeting, 6th December

The newly-elected Committee met on Tuesday 6th December at the Hon Sec's home in Ilmington. Stuart and Sophia were unable to attend. There was a fair amount of business to discuss.

Michael Dane was welcomed as the new Hon Treasurer. Keith Murphy is now a full member of the Committee on two counts: as CC rep following the Rules changes agreed at the AGM and as the Committee member replacing Bill Nash! There were no other changes.

  1. The Minutes of the September meeting were agreed without amendment.
  2. Matters arising were:-
    Andrew reported that he had 'Smart-Watered' the Guild's silverware as agreed last time;
    the position regarding the old Minute Book was reported;
    Peter Q agreed to make further enquiries about the location of some missing post-'74 Minute books;
    it was agreed that more Guild badges be ordered, but the supplier needs an early badge to get the right background colour.
  3. Reports: the following are highlights:-
    Guild Master: Peter Q gave details of the 2012 Guild Dinner;
    Hon Sec: Andrew said the insurers (EIG) had automatically increased the valuation of the Guild's silverware to £4051 for the renewal due at the end of December and that the public liability amount remained the same at £2M;
    Treasurer: Michael D said he, and Andrew during his recent holiday, had spent time analysing the accounts as transferred to him, as they were not in the form he expected. Some supporting data appears to be unavailable at present. He will report back to the March Committee meeting with an assessment;
    Ringing Master: Sophia has asked Stuart to take over as Fixture Sec. All in agreement. It was also mentioned that a set of 12 handbells was being offered to the Guild for the cost of their refurbishment. It was decided to enquire further about the details of this offer;
    Membership Sec: Peter K gave his up-to-date assessment, but this varies from the financial figures. This appears due to the occasional liaison between him and the Treasurer in the past. It is very likely this will improve greatly with the recent changes to the financial side;
    Newsletter Editor: January 2012 issue under way and likely to be 16 sides. Printing agreed as Tuesday 3/1/12. It is essential to ensure the correct number of copies are printed. An up-to-date membership list is essential;
    Mid-week (Vice-President's) Tours coordinator: tours have averaged 20 people over the last 3 months. Very good;
    CCCBR reps: Keith reported on the Wellesbourne Conference (see report);
    Bell Restoration Fund: no more applications at this time. Chris updated on the Temple Guiting augmentation project, which is now complete and the grant paid (see report)
  4. Items for discussion:-
    Review of past events: there had been no major issues arising from any event, which is pleasing;
    Future events 2012: dates or likely dates were agreed for these. Some locations were agreed or suggested. These details would appear in the Jan Newsletter's "Tag-End";
    Evesham area event: this was proposed by Robert Hall (see AGM Minutes) and is likely to occur on June 9th, for which a provisional booking has been made;
    Publication of new Rules: it was agreed this should be in a booklet form as before, with other useful information instead of the list of members. A draft was approved.
  5. Any Other Business:-
    Chris reported a new member from ringing a peal (as allowed by the new Rules): John Kemble of Audlem, proposed Martin Penny, seconded Claire Penny. His 2011 subscription was paid.
  6. Next Meeting: 6th March, Ilmington.

    (NB: these notes do not supplant the formally-agreed Minutes.)