Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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FSG Committee Meeting, 5th March

The Committee met on Tuesday 5th March at the Hon Sec’s home in Ilmington. Sophia Lewis-Skeath and Keith Murphy presented their apologies.

  1. The Minutes of the September meeting were agreed without amendment.
  2. Matters arising were:-
    Feedback from the Annual Dinner: all agreed that the Dinner at the White Hart Royal Hotel was excellent this year. Food and service were much better than previously and it was agreed that we should book the venue for the 2014 Dinner;
    Certificates for teams taking part in the Newing Shield comp: Peter Q has devised a format for these and will progress. Unfortunately, not all of the names in the winning team can be determined, and thus there is a delay in finalising;
    Membership list for Newsletter distribution: Peter K agrees with Michael D's figures. Michael D will prepare a list of those members who have a hardcopy Newsletter, to minimise surplus printing;
    Guild lapel badge: now available at £4 each;
    40th Anniversary Celebrations, March 30th: to be at the Church Rooms, Chipping Campden after the Saturday practice. Need not be formal; just a get-together to mark the occasion. John said he will provide a bottle of wine; Chris said he will, too. Nibbly food to be brought.
  3. Reports: the following are highlights:-

    Hon Secretary: Andrew said he has the stock of lapel badges. Hasn't heard from Tower Trophies re the ordered type with ordinary pin attachment, but will pursue when possible;

    Treasurer: Michael D presented his as-yet unaudited accounts for 2012. All agreed the balance sheet has been prepared swiftly and with great clarity and accuracy;

    Fixture Sec: Stuart is compiling the list for the next Newsletter. He said some towers in Oxfordshire are charging teams to ring at them. Guild policy precludes this (although the Guild will give grants to deserving cases instead), so we are unlikely to ring at these places in future unless policies change. He said, too, that he's having some difficulty in getting dates for towers confirmed, but will get the situation clarified in time for the next Newsletter;

    Newsletter Editor: Chris said the April issue is behind schedule at present and, due to Easter being at the end of March, he would like to print a week later than normal. Tuesday 9th April agreed for this. He thinks the issue will be 16 sides, as a lot of copy is in or has been promised. Peter K reported that Richard Lewis-Skeath has largely completed the organisation of a week-end Guild Ringing Tour, 5th-7th July, which is to be around Ludlow. This needs to be advertised in the April Newsletter, as the July issue will be too late. Chris to obtain the data from Richard;

    Mid-week (Vice-President's) Tours co-ordinator: it was reported that Isobel Murphy is carrying a float of £103.25 for this event;

    CCCBR reps: two CCCBR events were staged at Wellesbourne recently, Education Committee and PR Committee;

    Bell Restoration Fund: Andrew reported that a letter of thanks had been received from Wyck Rissington. Also, Chris said he had been up in Hinton-on-the-Green's belfry recently and had seen that the bird netting was still intact and doing the job. He had also found out that the material used for this was UV proof. He suggested that as half the grant money offered to Hinton was for clearing the belfry of nasty debris (ie £50), it would be reasonable to pay this amount, due to this being achieved successfully. As the netting was doing the job and it did seem as though it would be sufficiently resistant to rot and UV light, might it be reasonable to pay the other £50? Peter Q felt it was and asked for a vote on it. A majority agreement was indicated. Andrew to arrange payment to Hinton PCC.

  4. Items for discussion:-

    Peal Secretary: Sandra Parker has volunteered for this. The Committee snapped up her offer!

    Guild artefacts and database: Andrew has done considerable work on this and displayed his results so far. All agreed that it provided an excellent foundation. It needs volunteers to check out towers, to check for any FSG items, young or old. Some volunteered to do this. Andrew to compile a list of towers at which volunteers agreed to check;

    Gloucester Archives for the Old Minute Book: Andrew reported he hadn't done this yet, but would do so as soon as he is able;

    EIG insurance: the situation with the Guild's Public Liability insurance to be reported to the CC (in particular Kate Flavell). Andrew to action;

    Guild Walk: info needed for April Newsletter. Michael H promised to provide.

    AGM & Striking Comp location and Minimus Competition location: Chris said the cycle of past event locations suggested somewhere in Worcestershire this year. He suggested Offenham; the local RM is happy re this. All agreed that Offenham be the location for the 2013 event on Sat 12th October. Chris said he'd arranged a tower for the Minimus Comp on Sat September 14th: Wyck Rissington!

    Inter-Shires Competition: John said he would head the organisation of this if wished. We wished..! Tower to be chosen.

  5. Any Other Business:-


Next Meeting: 4th June, Ilmington.

(NB: these notes do not supplant the formally-agreed Minutes.)