Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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FSG Committee Meeting, 19th June

The Committee met on Tuesday 19th June at the Hon Sec's home in Ilmington. Peter Quinn, Keith Murphy, Sophia Lewis-Skeath and Michael Haynes gave their apologies. The President, John Nicholls, took the Chair.

  1. The Minutes of the February meeting were agreed without amendment.
  2. Matters arising were:-
    John updated on the missing Minute Book(s): the book from 1973-1999 had been found. Peter K presented it to the meeting. It appears this may be the only one missing, as its continuation seems to be to hand. Its previous location wasn't given. It was agreed that it should be photographed for record purposes, as the Old Minute Book has been, and was handed to Chris for this work;
    Andrew reported on Guild badges. He hasn't been able to devote much time to this, but will. Re the Winner's Shields, there have been four different designs, so he asked the Committee to choose a design to continue with, which was done;
    Newsletter distribution list: Michael D has developed a list of members eligible and wishing to receive a hardcopy Newsletter. It was reported that some Newsletters may still be sent to non-Member towers, as done in past years. The Committee decided this would stop immediately, to contain costs;
    Newsletter printing costs: Michael D presented his assessment of the 2011 printing costs: £410.38;
    Forthcoming events: Guild Ringing Tour 6th-8th July has extra towers; Minimus Comp set up for Sat 8th September at Salford, Warks, but a judge is required (Peter Q to obtain); Guild Walk all arranged for Sat 6th October; Striking Competition and AGM at Chastleton on Sat 13th October is mostly arranged, but some details require finalising before the Newsletter goes to print;
    Guild Rule Book: Chris presented a draft copy of the proposed document. He suggested this be finalised and printed for distribution at the October AGM. This was agreed. He asked that the document be read by all, particularly the Brief History, for factual and typographical errors, as it needs to be finalised very soon;
    Donations to towers for Saturday practices: the Committee agreed that the Guild's policy about this should a presumption against. On the other hand, it should be made known that towers are invited to apply for grants from the BRF when maintenance work is required. The Guild wishes its funds to be used for clearly-defined items; and that money should go to towers/PCCs that genuinely need it;
    Updating Merit Award dates: not done yet.
  3. Reports: the following are highlights:-
    Hon Secretary: Andrew said the details for the RW Diary details had been forwarded;
    Treasurer: Michael D presented his report (circulated prior to the meeting). He enquired about a definitive list of Life Members. There isn't one, but there should be. It was agreed a list should be compiled and ratified at the AGM;
    Membership Sec: some cross-referencing of the membership figures and the Treasurer's income list occurred, to establish parity;
    Fixture Sec: everything for the next quarter agreed and with the Newsletter Editor;
    Health & Safety: nothing of note to report;
    Newsletter Editor: the July issue was coming together and the printing date was agreed as Tuesday 10th July, to allow for Chris to return from holiday and finalise the issue. He said he needed certain pieces of information before finalisation, particularly about the AGM arrangements;
    Mid-week (Vice-President's) Tours co-ordinator: tours continuing successfully: Isobel reported a float of £136.65;
    CCCBR reps: Keith's report of the CC meeting was circulated to Committee members beforehand. Chris said there were some minor additions and outlined these;
    Bell Restoration Fund:the application from Wyck Rissington re their rehang was discussed, after which a grant of £350 was agreed. Chris said he had received an only-just-completed application from Hinton-on-the-Green re bird infestation clearance and protection, and was the Committee happy to consider it? It was agreed to do so. Chris had seen the problem, which is severe and requires professional services. The Committee agreed to grant £100. All grants to be paid on successful completion of the work;
  4. Items for discussion:-
    AGM; other towers open then, and rise, fall and ringing certificates for Competition: Other towers open at the same time had been suggested. Peter Q to action all as required;
    Feedback on BBQ: very good event!
    Life and 'Special' members: following his request about Life members, Michael D asked about the 'Special' members that appear on the membership lists. (They mainly cover those non-local members attending the Mid-week tours);
    Mid-week tours; subscription collection: Michael D asked how subs are collected - does anyone do this? It used to be done fairly routinely, but is sporadic now.
  5. Any Other Business:-
    Christmas Party: should there be one? If so, an ideal date would be December 15th. John said the location used in Campden last year is unavailable now, ie an alternative is required. More discussion at the next meeting and any details would be in the October Newsletter;
    Annual Dinner: need to decide on the location for this, which will be on Saturday Feb 2nd 2013. There was support for the White Hart Royal Hotel at Moreton again.
  6. Next Meeting: 4th September, Ilmington.

    (NB: these notes do not supplant the formally-agreed Minutes.)