Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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The Committee met on Tuesday 18th Nov at the Wellesbourne Church Centre. Peter Kenealy presented apologies.

  1. Richard Lewis-Skeath and John Carroll were welcomed to the Committee, Richard as Ringing Master and John as a Committee member. Andrew Gunn resigned this post at the AGM. Chris has taken over this duty.

  2. The Minutes of the August meeting were agreed, subject to two typographical errors being corrected.

  3. Matters arising were:-

    2014 Minimus Competition feedback: agreed as very enjoyable (next comp in 2016);

    2014 AGM & Striking Comps: good, but only two teams competed;

    Oxon tower fees: still not yet done. Chris to pursue this;

    Guild artefacts database: data reqd from Peter Q;

    Old Minute Book: Chris to pursue with Steve Bowley;

    Peal books: suggested the new corrected version of the Guild's peals be entered into a new book;

    Striking Comp certificates: Peter Q to supply for the forthcoming AGM and competitions.

  4. Reports: the following are highlights:-

    Guild Master: produced a list of the books held in the Guild library. It appears no book has been borrowed or bought for many years. It was agreed that these books be disposed of. Chris to put a note re this in the Newsletter;

    Hon Secretary: no issues at present (new to the job!);

    Treasurer: Michael D presented his quarterly-

    report. No queries on this; both accounts are healthy. It was proposed and agreed that £200 be transferred from the General Account to the BRF;

    Ringing Master: no issues either (also new to the job!);

    Child Protection Officer; this role is currently vacant , although one member is considering;

    Membership Sec: new members reported to the Committee are: Nigel Green, Gerald Philips, Julia Philips, Pam Sutton (all from Quinton), John Tolley, Len Morley, Pauline Morley and Julie Lawrence. Welcome to the Guild to them all;

    Newsletter Editor: there have been a goodly number of submissions this time!

  5. Bell Restoration Fund: the application from Pebworth for a grant towards a new tenor headstock was considered. It was agreed to offer £200 towards this.
  6. Items for discussion:-

    Bank signatories: require alterations following recent moves. Michael D to organise with the bank;

    Guild insurances: agreed to renew with EIG;

    Committee vacancies: one Committee member is still required, plus a CPO and a Guild Chaplain. Chris was asked tp approach Rev Peter Newing on the latter (and very happily he has accepted. Ed). John C to approach a possible candidate for CPO;

    Distribution of Guild Rule Books: Chris queried whether new members were being given Rule Books: possibly not. Chris to check whether the Rules are on the website;

    Guild Xmas Party, 13th Dec: all arranged;

    Guild Annual Dinner, 7th Feb 2015: to be at the White Hart Royal Hotel, Moreton-in-Marsh, again. Peter Q has engaged Michael Uphill to be the Speaker;

    2015 Events Programme:-

    InterShire Comp: John N agreed to organise for, probably, 21st Nov;

    Ringing Tour: Richard agreed to organise another on 4th July;

    Guild Walk: Michael H agreed to organise another for 26th September;

    AGM & Striking Comps: suggested at Pebworth (now agreed with the Church. Ed). Chris and Richard to organise.

  7. AOB:

    Richard asked whether a QP could be rung beforehand, as in the past. Agreed to try for one at the next meeting, probably at Wellesbourne;

    Andrew Gunn had packed up all the Guild's items he held and they were brought to the meeting.

Next Meeting: Tues 17th Feb 2015. Location to be announced.

Future Committee meeting dates: agreed as 18th May, 18th Aug and 17th Nov.

(NB: these notes do not supplant the formally-agreed Minutes.)