Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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Every year the Guild Rules require that members are elected to the posts of Guild Master, Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary and Ringing Master (the Guild Officer posts). In addition, six members are elected to serve on the Committee. There are vacancies this year for key posts (see Editorial)

Firstly, please consider standing for these posts.
Secondly, please propose candidates

A Tag-end tip from Allen Turner:

I have noticed that while many ringers can shorten the tail ends of ropes with a figure of eight knot they seem to struggle to take them out at the end of the practice.

To push the rope through the knot you need to twist it anti-clockwise which make the rope tighten and therefore slightly thinner so it can then be pushed through the loop.

Events for 2014: book the dates:-

AGM & Striking Comps18th October: at Whichford. (details)
Guild Christmas Party13th December at Wellesbourne