Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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From the Archives (100 years ago)

As I transpose the following from the Old Minute Book, the 100th anniversary of the assassination incident that sparked the First World War has just passed (28th June). The following entry in the Book is three months on from this date in 1914, during which Britain had declared War on Germany (on 4th August) and fighting had started. Note that it is referred to as: the Great European War.

25th September, 14.

A Committee Meeting was called for the purpose of arranging the programme for the usual Autumn meeting was held at The Rectory, Moreton, on the 25th September, 14. The Rev Spencer Jones was voted to the Chair, the proceedings commencing at 8pm. Although the attendance was small, unusual interest attached to the meeting, owing to the Great European War and to the effect it would have on our future proceedings. Letters were read from Saintbury and Willersey in which the opinion was expressed as representing the said towers, that it would be inadvisable to hold the Competitions this Autumn. After considerable discussion this proved to be the feeling of those present, and it was proposed by the Rev O J Jacson, seconded by Mr C Bird that, owing to the War, the Half-Yearly Competitions be postponed indefinitely. This was carried unanimously. It was felt necessary to hold the Anual (sic) meeting for the purpose of transacting all the Business of the Guild, with exception of the Competitions, whereupon The Rev O J Jacson very kindly invited the members to hold the April meeting at Campden, when he should be pleased to provide us with a Tea. This was thankfully accepted on behalf of the Guild by those present.

The next item of business was the further consideration of the new Rules as drawn up at the previous Committee meeting. Various alterations and amendments was (sic) proposed and accepted, and it was resolved to have a few specimen copies of the new Rules printed, so as to be submitted to the members at the Anual (sic) meeting. This concluded the meeting, after the usual votes of thanks had been passed.

Spencer Jones

From the Archives 40 years ago

There were again no meetings held between the beginning of July and the end of September 1974 (the next two meetings were held in October).