Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers

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!!  S U B S C R I P T I O N S  !!

FSG subs were due on 1st January 2013. The rates are £5 for members and £2 for Juniors (under 18). If you haven't paid yet, please do so as soon as possible. (Please note: there is no Non-Resident Life Membership category. An annual subscription is required to retain membership.)

Payment may be made to Peter Kenealy, Membership Sec, or to Michael Dane, Hon Treasurer. It would assist greatly if, when paying by cash, you use the payment slip attached to the January Newsletter.

IT IS NOW POSSIBLE TO PAY SUBSCRIPTIONS BY INTERNET BANK TRANSFER, which is a very convenient service if you are internet-connected and have internet banking. THE GUILD'S BANKING DETAILS ARE: Bank, HSBC; Acct No, 71118668; Account name, FOUR SHIRES GUILD; Sort Code, 40-41-26. For "Reference", please insert your name and tower (or unattached), otherwise you and your payment will be untraceable!! You will not need a receipt, as the bank transfer process allows a copy of the transfer document to be printed off. (I have used this system and it works well. Ed)

(Please note: those who haven't paid their subs by June 30th will cease to receive the Newsletter)

Events for 2013: book the dates:-

Ringing TourFri 5th- Sun 7th July, centred around Ludlow (see notice)
Minimus Striking Comp. Saturday 14th September at (surprise, surprise!) Wyck Rissington.
Guild Walking TourSaturday 28th September. (see notice)
Guild AGM & Striking CompSaturday 12th October at Offenham, Worcs. Notice and details to follow.

Next issue of the FSG Newsletter

The deadline for the next issue of the FSG Newsletter (July 2013) is June 13th 2013

This Newsletter survives only because of the contributions you make to it. Without them it will fail. Articles can be submitted to the undersigned via email or to the postal addresses shown above, or to any committee member.

Please contribute something, however small (or large). You would be surprised the things people enjoy reading about. A few suggestions: an historical item; a funny story; a quarter peal report; poems; puzzles; tales, events past and to come; a ringing tour, even! Send them in. They will all be welcome ... and don't worry if you think your handwriting is unintelligible. It can normally be translated. Just send the stuff in!

(Caretaker) Newsletter Editor: .

If sending articles by email, please use MS Word (not the dreaded Works*) format for written articles, JPG format for photos, and scanned items in PDF or JPG formats. (We have the facility to scan photo prints if you haven't.) Please let us know ownership of photos for acknowledgement where relevant. If you have a long article, you might consider breaking it into parts.

(* If you've only got Microsoft Works, then Save As your article into Rich Text Format - ie, suffix .rtf - and send in this form.)